Friday, March 7, 2008

Happy Birthday! My Son

Yep its that time of year again, oh my goodness my sonny is 9 years old, and my girl turned 7 January 2, I had a small gathering, for them, here is a pic at my gram and grampa house! lol aww he was really making a wish!! I wonder what he wished for,and i hope it comes true!!( well depending on what it was) lol

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Yet another great weekend!

Hey there!! everybody!! what's happening this weekend?? Well there is an Elders Conference at Trent University. There was an awesome social last nite! They had a hand drum round dance competition! It was awesome! We were late but managed to get in a few dances! The next hand drum competition that I heard of is in Muncey!!Near London, Ontario, when I get more details I will post them, Another awesome part of the nite was listening to BROCK STONEFISH!! oh my goodness that man can sing!If you love the blues! you will wonder why, just why hav'nt I heard him before? He is so awesome! I am going to interview him,and i was unprepared at the Red Dog, where he was preforming, I got to meet him, and he said i could email him some questions, so thats awesome. Oh and it's family day on Monday, one day out of the year that the government allots you to spend with your family!! Thank you government! thank you!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

How nice, this is my kiddies and they auntie!! over the holidaze. They had a nice time,and they want to go out and visit,again. They auntie is having a baby!How exciting!!

Check out dis Pie!!

Yes yes ya'll my gram is the best pie maker this side of the border. We were lucky enough to get some for dinner over the holidayz!!! Nya Weh Soht! for your yummy pies! Oh and just so you know yes i can make pies that look just like dat!

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Hey there!! how is everyone? good good, so are you ready for x-mas? here is something to think about, do we traditional native people celebrate for the same reasons white people do? like its the birth of jesus christ? and if your not christian should you celebrate? Lets drop some lines and talk about it.

Monday, November 26, 2007

A Good Time

Hey Everybody,let's have some fun! who got the chance to make it to the sing? I did, it was a full house! packed with people from everywhere. It was really nice to see the all the laughter and the meeting up of ole friends, and the meeting new ones! Hope you took your tape recorder, it was surely something you did'nt want to miss! 13 groups from Turtle island came out, all the way from wisconsin,to kanawake to Onondaga and all the ones inbetween had shared songs and made everyone dance! Nya weh to Oneida for hosting a good sing. I heard on the grapevine that the next sing is going to be in Newton in April.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Busy Time of Year

Yup yup it's very busy,round ndn country this month, ok, We have the "SING" in Oneida of Thames near London,Ontario. EVERY ONE MUST GO!!! Somebody finally got it right! the Toronto Pow-wow is the next weekend. I dont'know how many years have went by and they were on the same damn weekend!!!lol every body did'nt know where to go,now
everyone can go to both!!!See you all there, drive safe and have lots of fun!